About Gratia L. Meyer, Ph.D.

Dr. Gratia Meyer is a clinical psychologist specializing in providing treatment for grief, attachment, depression, anxiety and panic disorders, posttraumatic stress disorders, autism/asperger’s, addictions and bipolar using Progressive Mindfulness Assessment and Treatment Protocol. Prior to starting a private practice, she was a school psychologist in Colorado. During her private practice, she has been a speaker at hospitals, schools, conferences and mental health centers in the state of Colorado, Europe, Asia and in Israel and has been an adjunct instructor at the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley. Dr. Meyer presented a paper at the UNESCO conference, 2008, Hanoi, Vietnam regarding the Integrated Dynamic Learning model.
She is a member of the American Psychological Association. She was a member of the Colorado Women’s Multicultural Coalition on Addiction, co-founder of the Colorado Fetal Alcohol and Substance Coalition, Director of Children’s and Adolescent’s grief groups for Grief Education Institute and Research Director for Women Offender: bonding with their babies and Founder of Harvest Run for Autism.
She was the Founder and President of Me’ah Foundation, which is searching for solutions to the violence in our homes and schools. She is listed in the Who’s Who in Mental Health and is a Certified School Psychologist and a Licensed Psychologist in Colorado. Dr. Meyer received her B.S. and M.A. in Clinical Psychology at the St. Mary’s University and her Ph.D. in Developmental and School Psychology at the University of Pittsburgh and received postdoctoral training at Mt. Airy Psychiatric Hospital.
Download my: Resumé (pdf).
Please contact me at: gratiameyer@gmail.com.
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