Gate Two

Leaving Gate One is very frightening for us. In Gate Two we now notice many choices and many Gates from which to choose. Although we have left our mother’s lap, we still assume that what we perceive or feel is what our mother is sensing and feeling. We need our parents and caregivers to protect us from so many choices and rely on them to narrow the choices to just two.
In our expansive world, we look at objects as if they have our feelings. We assume that the oatmeal has the same nutrient value as candy and rocks. As we explore our song, our mother is imitating our notes, and we in turn, are echoing our mother’s song.
New information is absorbed when there is familiarity and intensity based on the vibrational energy of our parents and ancestors. The vibrational force can be sustained and internalized for up to two minutes. When the attention span diminishes and the vibration becomes weak, we search, through trial and error, for the familiar learned habits. Our parents help us increase our attention span by putting a label to our objects, our movements and our gestures. We are learning the value of “yes” and “no”. Our caregivers redirect our harmful actions to favorable behaviors. At Gate Two, we don’t wait for approval or rejections, because our gestures are based on imitations.