Gratia L. Meyer, Ph.D.

Within the framework of psychotherapy, our first challenge is to discover and embrace our authentic self and gifts. Our second goal is to apply this awareness in healing early attaching experiences and transforming our childhood and adolescent experiences. With this knowledge we will learn how your present perceptions have influenced your relationships and family. Together we will transform painful developmental attachment patterns and ease the suffering caused by chronic illness, depression, anxiety and/or posttraumatic stress. With insight, empathy and compassion we will transform your present suffering.
As a child, adult and geriatric psychologist, I offer step-by-step developmental-insight and body centered psychotherapy approach to forming a deeper understanding of your life experiences.
Depression, Anxiety and Panic Attacks, Obsessive Compulsive, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Dementia and Alzheimers, ADD and Romance, Abandonment Issues, Living with chronic pain or living with someone in pain, Aging to Sageing.